

You must have installed pyopenvdb to use this feature.

It is possible to generate volume sequences for TELEMAC-3D files.
These volume sequences are exported as .vdb file sequences.
The VDB format is a common file format used for volumes in computer graphics.

Generate volume sequence

This operator lets you generate volume sequences from TELEMAC-3D files.
Point data are exported "raw" (without any remapping). Thus, you can use the 'Map Range' node to do so.
Generate volume sequence operator


  • Mode: computation mode, select one from:

    • Default: can be very slow for large dimensions.

    • Multiprocessing: multi-threading computation mode, can speed up a lot the computation.

    • CUDA: make use of CUDA capable device (if numba is installed), can dramatically improve the computation speed.



  • Volume definition: define the volume dimensions either by providing dimensions or a voxel size.

    • Dimensions: define the volume by giving custom dimensions (L x W x H).

    • Voxel size: define the volume using a voxel size.


  • Add: add a point data to export in voxels. For now, it is limited to only one point data exported at a time.



  • Type: type of interpolation.

  • Steps: number of planes to interpolated between each known plane.


  • Type: type of interpolation.

  • Steps: number of time points to interpolate between each known time point.


  • Output directory: path to the directory where to place generated .vdb files.

  • File name: name to give to the generated files.

  • Start: starting point of the sequence to export (time point).

  • End: ending point of the sequence to export (time point).

Example of generated volume sequence:

Generated volume sequence

Set volume origin

This operator lets you align (in the 3D space) a generated volume sequence to your TELEMAC-3D file.
The volume will also be resized to match the dimensions of the model.
Extract point data operator


  • Target: target model to fit dimensions and origin.


Before set origin operator


After set origin operator