
  1. Install Blender (at least version 3.0)

  2. Install dependencies:

  3. Install NIMPHS:

    • Download a version from the releases page (latest recommended)

    • Open Blender, go to Edit > Preferences > Add-on > Install and select the downloaded file

    • Activate it (tick the checkbox)

    • Go under preferences and select an installation configuration:

      • CLASSIC: this is the basic and recommended configuration.

      • ADVANCED: configuration which will let you install other dependencies to use under-development features.

      • Force (option): install python packages with the --force-reinstall flag on.

    • Then, click on the install button. The Blender UI will freeze for a moment, this is normal. Python packages are being downloaded and installed.

      Preview panel
    • If everything went well, you should see this message. Then, just reopen Blender and voilà! 🪄
      If not, the error message should be printed in the console.
      Preview panel

Reinstall python dependencies


If you need to reinstall the python dependencies or switch configuration, follow these instructions.

  • Open Blender, go to Edit > Preferences > Add-on

  • Then, click on the Re-install button

    Preview panel
  • Then, follow the instructions and do the same process as in step 3. Install NIMPHS.

    Preview panel