
Mesh sequence

The use of shape keys lets you to interpolate the animation of the mesh.


Vertex colors are automatically linearly interpolated according to shape keys positions.

Here is how you can do it:
  • Select meshes you want to interpolate in the sequence object

    Preview panel
  • Place the time cursor where you want to "center" the Interpolation

    Preview panel
  • Then, hit s and scale the interpolation moving the mouse

    Preview panel
  • Once you are satisfied, press the left mouse button

You can change the type of the interpolation in the Graph editor:
  • With meshes selected, open the graph editor

    Preview panel
  • Select the keyframes you want to edit

  • Press the right mouse button in the editor and choose a new interpolation mode

    Preview panel
  • It's done!

    Preview panel

Streaming sequence

A streaming sequence does not use shape keys, so we can't use the same method as for mesh sequences. However, you can still interpolate the animation of the mesh using our custom tool:


Vertex colors are interpolated using the same settings.

  • In the streaming sequence settings panel, select an interpolation method.

    Preview panel
  • Then, indicate the number of time steps to add between each time point.

    Preview panel
  • You're done! Interpolated points should now be generated on the fly, when changing frame in the timeline.